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Delaine Le Bas

Delaine Le Bas – Istory*

BIyami ano Worthing 1965. Mekhla o edukipe mashka ro bersha panj thay deshushov. Shunipea e Poly Styrene ko bersh 1978 uravipea pe vintazh thay vastea kerde idya. Ko bersh 1980 nakhla ani lokaluni arteski skola. Ko bersh 1984 kreiringyola e The house of Le Bas (La Bas engo kher). 1985
pashola o Damian James Le Bas. 1986 ji 1988 – Saint Martins School of Art London – arti, nakhipe pe klubya, moda thay lugyarela te phirel sar Lifeist** thay Performalist*** ani thay maydur e UK thay Evropa, Rayyoriguni Korea, Kanada thay Rajasthan. Olaki buti dikhlili ani Veneciaki Bienala, pragaski Bienala, Gwangju Bienala thay yaver arteske institucie mashkarthemutnipea. Sah lugyarela... Si dote kote tu avea... Delaine Le Bas, 2022

*Istory – Carolee Schneeman (1939 - 2019)
**Lifeist – Linda Montano (1942)
***Performalist – Hannah Wilke (1940 – 1993)
Bare nays keripea e Sands Murray-Wassink (1974)