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Oti Vakeresa Mange / Everything you say about me

Evaggelia Goula

Greece ● 2023 ● 88’
26.10.2023 ● 20:00 ● BABYLON
Greek + EN subs

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A wooden chest opens, revealing well-hidden secrets. A deep love story, an honour killing, the wandering of a great family through space and time. Through a long-standing cinematic observation, the documentary “Oti Vakeresa Mange” follows the life of a family spanning four generations and the compelling story of its patriarch, whose world collapsed in a moment when fate armed his hand.

The story of Paraskevas and his family constitutes the backbone of the film, a story gradually unfolding through the present-day narratives of his descendants. A journey into the past takes place, delving into Greece of the last century, with an underlying commentary on the societal position of the Romani people within the broader society.

Producer, Director, Screenplay: Evaggelia Goula ● Co-production: Vasiliki Arvelaki ● Original Music: Spyros Roumeliotis ● Production Manager, Assistant Director: Manolis Foinikianakis ● Director of Photography, Editing: Evaggelia Goula ● Sound Recording, Sound Design: Spyros Roumeliotis ● Animation: Eleni Miltsi ● Coloring: Nikolas Leventakis ● Artistic Consultant: Effie Drakou ● Editing Assistants: Kristian Xypolias, Thodoris Ioannidis ● Subtitling, Translation: Melissanthi Giannousi ● Graphic Designers: Frosso Makedona ●
Production Execution: Cyclos Film ● Co-Funding by Greek Film Centre ● Co-Production by Greek Radio & Television