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Why does AVAZYA exist?

Romani filmmakers, stories and perspectives have historically been excluded from the film industry. As a consequence, racist storytelling dominates the mainstream film and culture in all European countries, based on othering and a discourse of not belonging. AVAZYA was established in order to overcome this imbalance and the underrepresentation of Roma on the world-wide film market.

What do we do?

  • AVAZYA is a transparent network with a focus on community support, advocacy and knowledge exchange.
  • AVAZYA supports explicitly but not exclusively Romani filmmakers both on the level of further developing their professional skills and on the level of improving access to the European film market.
  • AVAZYA supports the film industry in portraying authentic and diverse Roma perspectives.
  • AVAZYA provides an international, inclusive and high-profile exchange on the topic of Antigypsyism in Europe, especially in the field of film. Antigypsyism itself as well as harmful, stereotypical film representations of Romani people are to be acknowledged as visible pan-European problems, and knowledge about them to be both deepened and disseminated.

Why join?

AVAZYA is a fast growing network that values community support and knowledge exchange between members. You will receive regular updates on unique opportunities provided for AVAZYA members as well as general information on funding, training and other opportunities. The process to join as an official member is simple. You register via this form.

In the first 6 months we have managed to secure a number of high profile professional development training opportunities, fee waivers for festivals and advocated for targeted data collection and ring fenced funding on a European level. You can read more about our work here.