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Farzad Samsami

Norway ● 2022 ● 18’
27.10.2023 ● 18:00 ● BABYLON
Romanes + EN subs

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In the short film, 16-year-old Lavina battles to hold onto her Romani heritage. She lives with her sick grandmother and has a strained relationship with her father who runs a car wash. But when Lavina's grandmother dies, she is forced to confront her father’s secrets of the past and stand up for herself.

Director, screenplay: Farzad Samsami ● Production companies: GorillaFilm AS, Romano Kher ● Producer: Farzad Samsami ● Executive producer: Kai-Rune Myhrer, Antonio Jacobsen ● Cast: Angel Jansen, Stian Jansen, Sivilja Josef ● Cinematographer: Kjell Vassdal ● Editor: Rolv Lyssand Bjørø and Farzad Samsami ● Composer: Olav Øyehaug ● Sound Design: Håkon Lammetun ● Production Coordinator: Aylin Karayazgan