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Fifteen Minutes

Sejad Ademaj

Germany ● 2022 ● 13‘
27.10.2023 ● 20:00 ● BABYLON
Romanes & German + EN subs

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The short film tells the story of Jasmina, and her family. While Jasmina is doing homework after having dinner with her parents, her friend Lukas calls and wants to persuade her to come outside. While the two are still talking on the phone, the doorbell rings. Instead of Lukas, the police are at the door. They tell Jasmina and her parents that they have fifteen minutes to pack their belongings. For Jasmina, a world comes crashing down.

Director, script: Sejad Ademaj ● Photography: Terry Kraatz ● Sound: Samuel Albert, Felix Krieger ● Set design: Laura Mendoza Gleser, Monika Kälberer ● Producer: Maximillian Gebhardt ● Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH ● Assistant Director: Simon Morzé ● Production assistance: Corinna Schmidt ● Camera assistance: Benedict Uphoff ● Recording management: Serdar Gencol ● Continuity: Jessica Nathalie Ballhaus ● Head lighting: Kavindu Sivarajha ● Cast: Samirah Breuer, Simone Lautentino dos Santos, Nebojsa Markovic, Anna Maria Zeilhofer, Zejhun Demirov