EN  DE  RO  ︎  ︎

Carmen, no fear of freedom

Irene Baqué

Spain ● 2022 ● 30’
27.10.2023 ● 18:00 ● BABYLON
Spanish + EN subs

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The documentary “Carmen, no fear of freedom” shows the leader of the first association of feminist Roma women who are fighting against systemic racism and sexism. It shows how her strong personality can be the engine that creates a sense of resistance, togetherness and the strength to fight back. Carmen comes from the "Las 600" neighbourhood in the south of Spain. Having broken all the stereotypes, she deals with the pressure of having become a figure of hope and change for her community as she moves on with her goals.

Director: Irene Baqué ● Production company: 15L FILMS ● Producer: Carlota Coloma ● Scriptwriter: Irene Baqué ● Cinematography: Artur-Pol Camprubí ● Sound: Diego Pedragosa ● Edition: Lidia Sala