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Mangin Cant: A Story of Language & Place

Charles Newland

Scotland ● 2023 ● 8’

26.10.2024 ● 18:00 ● BABYLON

English & Cant

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The documentary film “Mangin Cant: A Story of Language & Place” follows David Donaldson, founder of the Nawken Knowledge Project, around his native Scotland talking to members of the Nawken community. Through this series of interviews, we learn about the importance of Nawken Cant as a language and the sense of history and heritage that comes with it along with discussions of traditions and identity. Nawken (Scottish Gypsy/Travellers) are legally recognised as a distinct “ethnic minority” in Scotland. However, despite this legal recognition, many Nawken claim inequalities haven’t seceded and that this legal protection doesn’t go far enough. Implying legal terminology compounds myths of Nawken being non-distinct from Romany Gypsies, “confining to the history books” their self-defined nature as an indigenous people.

Produced and Presented by David Donaldson ● Director: Charles Newland ● Director: Delaine Le Bas ● Camera: Lincoln Cato, Delaine Le Bas, Hera Santos ● Editor: Laszlo Farkas ● Sound: Justin Langlands ● Music: Laszlo Farkas Mixing of Original Sound & Justin Langlands ● Cast: Delaine Le Bas, Hera Santos ● Producer: Delaine Le Bas