Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache
Sejad Ademaj
Germany ● 2023 ● 10’
23.10.2024● 20:00 ● BABYLON
25.10.2024● 18:00 ● BABYLON
Arabic & German + EN subs
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Theo, the lead singer of a Nazi band, is about to play the most important concert of his career. But then he is involved in a serious car accident. The driver of the car is Mahmoud, who is about to be prospected for German citizenship. Mahmoud panics and, fearing the possible consequences, commits a hit-and-run. In hospital, Theo is diagnosed with a particularly severe form of ‘foreign language accent syndrome’; he is suddenly only able to speak Arabic. Ironically, Mahmoud becomes his doctor. Theo tries to blackmail Mahmoud into teaching him German. Otherwise, Theo threatens to report Mahmoud to the police, which would jeopardise his future citizenship. Suddenly Theo's band turns up at the hospital and the situation spirals out of control.
Script: Sejad Ademaj, Serdar Gencol ● Director: Sejad Ademaj ● Cinematography: Andreas Blind ● Music: Peter Albrecht ● Sounddesign: Justus Fischer ● Sound: Jonas Winkler
Editing: Alexey Kashaev ● Set design: Gianni Romano, Wolf Romberg ● Producer: Maximillian Gebhardt, Luca Merkle, Maximilian Sachße ● Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg ● Cast: Robin Leo Hoffmann, Georg Paluza, Elsa Langnäse, Anna Maria Zeilhofer
Script: Sejad Ademaj, Serdar Gencol ● Director: Sejad Ademaj ● Cinematography: Andreas Blind ● Music: Peter Albrecht ● Sounddesign: Justus Fischer ● Sound: Jonas Winkler
Editing: Alexey Kashaev ● Set design: Gianni Romano, Wolf Romberg ● Producer: Maximillian Gebhardt, Luca Merkle, Maximilian Sachße ● Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg ● Cast: Robin Leo Hoffmann, Georg Paluza, Elsa Langnäse, Anna Maria Zeilhofer