Andreas Veiel
Andres Veiel, born in 1959, studied psychology at the FU Berlin and at the same time, from 1985 to 1989, trained as a director and dramaturge as part of the international directing seminars at the Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin under the direction of the Polish director Kieslowski.His work is characterised by intensive research, sometimes lasting several years. He has received more than fifty awards for his films “Winternachtstraum” (1991), “Balagan” (1993), “Die Überlebenden” (1996), “Black Box BRD” (2001), “Die Spielwütigen”(2004), “Der Kick” (2006), “Wer wenn nicht wir” (2011), “Beuys” (2017) and “Ökozid” (2020), including the European Film Award and several German Film Awards.